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This Paper contains disturbing information that I've gathered for decades. It describes the destabilizing role played by a nearby extra-terrestrial civilization as it seeks to stifle human advancement, using highly advanced mind-science technology.         


Besides the alien threat, the publication also delves into humanity's most pressing challenges and offers some illuminating solutions (from climate change, global energy, world poverty, diseases, and wars, to societal transformation).

Social Business



In the years to come, as technology gradually opens human eyes, the knowledge presented in this Paper will become obvious to many. But rarely would the securing and transformation of a cosmic civilization depend merely on the slow, grinding process of scientific and technological discovery: as extraordinary occurrences, the universe bequeaths to cosmic civilizations children who would transfer knowledge that's millennia ahead of its time, which could then transform their civilizations and secure them against vicious competition from neighbouring races. However, in the case of humanity, as I've elaborated throughout the publication, such children wouldn't be allowed to grow into adulthood. And if they did, they would be troubled to the point of making only minimal impact on human civilization.


In my specific case, I'm blessed with a powerful one-of-a-kind mind which enables me to 'mentally see' other populated planets and how their civilizations live. I can also supernaturally decipher such civilizations' intentions towards humanity, in a manner that equates to reading their collective minds.

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"The AC People live roughly four light-years away from Earth, a stone-throw distance for a space-mobile race. Vast distances ordinarily separate civilizations around the cosmos. Our four light-years' separation from the AC People is an anomaly whereby the annihilation of the younger race would be almost guaranteed. A combination of factors has kept us slightly ahead of their arrows, but as terrestrial knowledge increases, their determination to mess the human project will multiply. There's nothing they would dread as much as facing an enlightened human race."


"Out of jealousy and the fear of the unknown, the AC People use their highly advanced technology to keep us divided and fighting, to start and propagate dangerous diseases, and to delay and limit our scientific and technological discoveries, in the end succeeding in maintaining us in poverty and subjugation."


"I would equate the AC People's killing of humans to that of a man attacking a colony of rats, celebrating each rat that fell for his bait and mourning about those that survived his well-timed attack. Yet from the rats' perspective, they would merely have been carrying on with their business of living. That pretty much sums up the cosmic story: each civilization is solidly embedded in its unique viewpoint. The same way an interaction between a lion and an antelope is dinner to the lion and death for the antelope, there can't be a shared perspective among cosmic civilizations. It's a jungle out there."





The Alpha Centauri beings are people just like us, with aspirations and anxieties. Only that they've developed technology that's many millennia ahead of ours, partly because their last pre-technology ice age ended over 100,000 years before ours (the Earth's ended only 10,500 years ago). United and armed with knowledge, we can overcome their evil schemes, which are intended to possibly annihilate the human race. Fellow human, even though you can't see what's very vivid to me, I ask you to believe me; otherwise, it will be our loss and their gain. What has been happening to humanity is not normal.


To ensure humans wouldn't suspect that they're being interfered with using externally generated stimuli, the Alpha Centauri People's technology calibrates its input to be nearly undetectable. They need to be stealthy because if you suspected that you're under the control of another person (even if domiciled on a different planet), that person would lose their grip on your mind. Although these people wouldn't leave you alone simply because you've become aware of their mental assault, you would've started your journey to mental freedom, unhindered creativity, and the discovery of the real you.

Please Help


Obviously, the Alpha Centauri People are doing everything within their power to limit the spread of this message. I therefore request you to get the word out in whichever way you can. Knowledge is power; the sooner humans get to learn about the Alpha Centauri People's wicked connection to our societal divisions and senseless wars, the sooner we'll be safe and prosperous. You could also donate to help me:

(1) Repackage the Paper into simplified and condensed formats. (2) Translate it into multiple languages. (3) Fund its circulation to a wider audience globally.


One approach to mitigating the Alpha Centauri People's impact is the establishment of a global social business, which would essentially be a high-tech business ecosystem from which users and other participants would benefit financially while playing an important role in uniting humanity, spurring global transformation, and helping pull billions out of poverty. At this early stage, I'm inviting those with the requisite skills or access to funding and other resources to become part of the initial core group.   




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